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I blogged about being halfway through my 100 Day Project here and in it I reserved my right to miss a day if I wanted to, my 100 days don’t need to be 100 consecutive days, said I. But as it happens, today is day 100 and I have completed 100 days and I haven’t missed a single day. I only posted photos on every 4th day, so that probably helped, but whatever the reason, I am chuffed with myself. Here are brooches 13-25, with daily progress photos.
28/05/20 Brooch 13 available here..
01/06/20 Brooch 14 available here.. SOLD
05/06/20 Brooch 15 available here..
09/06/20 Brooch 16 : SOLD
13/06/20 Brooch 17 available here.. SOLD
17/06/20 Brooch 18 available here.. SOLD
21/06/20 Brooch 19 available here.. SOLD
25/06/20 Brooch 20 available here..
29/06/20 Brooch 21 available here..
03/07/20 Brooch 22 available here..
07/07/20 Brooch 23 available here.. SOLD
11/07/20 Brooch 24 available here.. SOLD
15/07/20 Brooch 25 available here.. SOLD
Here they are all together, 100 days worth of enjoyment. So pleased I started doing them, they gave me something to focus on through the lockdown when I had lost my sewjo and couldn’t face going into my workshop. I think for me committing to a project that has an end date is a helpful thing , it means I don’t have to think, I just “do”.
I also think that if anything bad ever happened to me , natural disaster, ill health or anything else, I would try and grab some fabric, thread and a needle on my way out the door, for my sanity’s sake!

cheers m’dear 🙂
Well done Fran!
thank ye, kind sir!
Thank you so much for sharing your work online. Really inspiring stuff!
Thank you for reading it Jacqui, much appreciated!
Congratulations! I find it really difficult to keep up with these types of challenges to maintain it daily as life gets in the way. I have been decorating index cards and just moved to a “whenever I feel like it” to get out of the daily slog of it. Your brooches are all beautiful.
Thank you, I think I’m better with a bit of self-imposed discipline!
Fran they are beautiful!
Thank you marianne, I enjoyed making them 🙂
Gorgeous brooches! Your work inspires me to get back to some projects.
Thank you Susan, I hope you enjoy your projects.
Realmente excelentes tus trabajos,son de una riqueza visual ,táctil y mágica con una originalidad poco frecuente , sinceramente te felicito.Gracias por tus creaciones.
translation : “Your works are really excellent, they are of a visual, tactile and magical richness with a rare originality, I sincerely congratulate you. Thank you for your creations.”
my reply :
Muchas gracias por sus amables palabras y gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer mi blog, lo agradezco.