Last year I took part in The 100 Day Project you can read all about it here
Since then I have done 100 Days of Customisation and I am on day 51 of 52 Days of Made on Monday 2016 Revisited
All of these endeavours involved me posting a photo for a number of (not neccesarily consecutive) days on Instagram and Facebook but none of them involved me actually making anything. I took the easy and more manageable way of posting photos of work that I had already done.
However, for the 100 Day Project 2019 which started on April 2nd I am actually making 100 new things, albeit rather small ones. I am making 100 2 inch square mixed media pieces which will include textile, paper, buttons, bits and bobs and stitches. Small enough to be do-able every day, hopefully.
I happened to ask in a Facebook Textile Art group if anyone else was doing the project, and a few said yes, so we started a small group where we could share ideas and photos of our work. Then I thought, “hmmmm, let’s make this interesting” and asked if anyone wanted me to send them a 6×8 inch piece to use in their 100 day project. I offered either paper or textile, and some requested one or the other and some said “surprise me”. Some of the people I sent pieces to offered to send me one back, for me to use in my project. This has definitely added a frisson of excitement as I can now watch what they do with my piece , which is really intersting. It also means I have their pieces to work on which gives me incentive to actually make the 2 inch annoyingly small blighters!
For the first 12 days I worked with a paper collage that I made and then chopped into 2 inch squares.
Here are the pieces I made with it . Days 1-12
The first person to send me a piece was Tamara Schultz
This is the piece that Tamara sent me.
and this is what I did with it. Days 13 – 24
Here is the piece I sent to Tamara.
This is what she did with it..

It was really exciting seeing what Tamara made with the piece I sent her, I enjoyed identifying which section she had used in each of her pieces and I was intrigued by what she saw in the fabric. Definitely added excitement to the project and I’m looking forward to working on the other pieces I’ve been sent.
From tomorrow onwards for the next 12 days I will be working on this piece I received from Ruth McDonald, ooh the possibilities!
See you back here in 12 days for the results.
Chapter 2 is here
Neat! This looks so interesting. I have always loved shared work ideas.
I’m so excited! Thank for the inspiring share!!
Quite wonderful to explore, consider. Impressed with the interaction between fiber thinkers.
Love your enthusiasm it’s infectious. Life the little bits following and happy to share
I love everything about these. I think it may have inspired me to do some mini mini quilts…
I’ll definately will be following. I’m amazed at what Tamara did with your peice of cloth, but equally impressed by your stitching on hers. Great job