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100 days of : chapter 3

I’m taking part in the The 100 Day Project and have completed days 37-48.  You can read about days 1-24 here and days 25-36 here
For this section of my 100 days I used a piece of fabric I received from Sue Justjems in an exchange.On the day that I was due to start work on Sue’s piece, the postie delivered these nametapes that I had bought on a whim, with no idea what I would use them for. I posted a photo of the nametapes on my Facebook page and it provoked lots of comments, you can read them here
With the two items laid next to each other, it seemed like happenstance, so I went with it. With a bit/lot of help from an anagram generator (of which “angora garment era” is an anagram, by the way) I created these. There is apparently something evocative about the personal belongings of a stranger, inspired by only a name. I felt quite protective of Olive’s reputation and chose not to use the more salacious options available to me.

Here is the piece that I sent Sue for our exchange.

Sue took inspiration from the quirky architecture of her hometown of Blackpool to create this delightfully higgeldy piggeldy street scene.

She then very cleverly mounted the piece on torn wallpaper to give the impression of weathered beams and the sea. You can see more of Sue’s work here  here and here

It is fascinating to see how people use my fabric, and it’s exciting for me to use theirs. These exchanges have made it easy for me to persevere with my 100 Day Project . I’ve seen other participants say that they are struggling to keep motivated, but for me the fabric I received provides the motivation and inspiration. Left to my own devices I might well have  struggled for ideas and packed it in by now, but by the grace of collaboration I will see this thing through!
Next up is a piece I received from Deborah Kenward and I’ll be using it for my next batch of 2×2 inch pieces.

See you back here in a couple of weeks for the next thrilling episode ?

Chapter 4 is here

6 thoughts on “100 days of : chapter 3

  1. I have enjoyed your pieces made from Sue Justjems swap to you,and the added name tags. Each one made very interesting with anagrams from the name tag , being protective of Olive,s belonging, sharing and careing on your post.
    Equally Sue Justjems home village made from your swap to her was perfect match.
    Looking forward to your next batch.

  2. Great response to something you were sent, love the name tape creativity

  3. Love the way you have used the name tapes and the anagrams – ingenious!

  4. Getting some fabric from you certainly helped me got thru my stitching block and will have to check out anagram generator!

  5. Such a great post. Lively, informative (anagram generator) and humorous. You are so generous in name sharing and as well as loving what you did with my fabric your own piece inspired one of my most precious, art quilts .and memory as I had just (3 months) moved to the eclectic street/town I now call home.
    Your daily posting have I know helped keep us all going on our #100 day challenge.

  6. I love the sharing of materials and seeing what happens! It’s been exciting sharing with you and 2 other participants! Very inspiring! Thank you for all you do! 🙂

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