More than halfway through my 100 Day Project and I finished the latest phase today. You can read about the previous phases here:
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3
I exchanged fabric with 9 other members of a Facebook group I belong to, and we are using each others pieces in our 100 Day Projects. The most recent piece I used came from Deborah Kenward.
Until now I have been making 12 2×2 inch pieces at a time, but I realised that if I kept that up I would overshoot my 100 Days, so I reduced it to 9 pieces, which is a good number as it makes a pleasing 3×3 square.
Here is what I did with Deborah’s piece.
You might notice that 4 of the pieces have a corner missing. I take part in another project called “Stitch Meditation” where the only rule is “don’t remove any stitches”. Well, on my first day of working on this piece I did some stitching that offended my eye too much to ignore. I wanted to abide by the “remove no stitch” ethos, but I didn’t want to set off on the wrong foot. So I cut the piece of stitching out , leaving a square hole. I didn’t actually remove any of the actual stitches, so hopefully I won’t get thrown out of the Stitch Meditation group.
Let’s call the square hole a design feature. Let’s say I planned it all along, ok?
Here are the 9 pieces rearranged.
This was fun to work on, a bit like a puzzle to fit it all together.
This is the piece I sent Deborah, it is all paper.
Deborah says she ” cut it into 2″ strips width ways, then stitched them together (zig zagged over seams) in a different order, then cut that into 2″ strips length ways and stitched again”
She then cut it into 2 inch squares
I love all the details and embellishments on these small squares. It looks to me like Deborah enjoyed making them, and I certainly enjoyed seeing them and identifying where they came from on my original piece. Making and posting a 2 inch square every day for 100 days could become a bit of a chore, but doing these swaps keeps it interesting and exciting.
For the next phase of this project I am going to be working on these wonderful pieces that I received from Jacquie Chalmers, I’m looking forward to it.I’ll report back here when I’ve finished doing what I’m going to do with them, and I’ll show you waht Jacquie did with the piece I sent her.
See you then
Chapter 5 is here
Love it…….love the entire story “so far and waiting for the next chapter adds to the interest of the 100 day project. Watching each daily post in our fb group I truly thought it was a planned design element
……so well done
I love your ingenious way of gettting rid of the stitching that offended your eye. I reckon you should not be thrown out of the Stitch Meditations group
! Love the paper pieces too, this is a really interesting project and I’m enjoying following the progress