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100 days of : chapter 7

I’m taking part in the 100 Day Project which officially finished on the 10th of July, congratulations to everyone who completed their 100 days within 100 days, quite an achievement! I’m bumbling on at my own pace, and I’ve completed another phase, you can read about previous phases here
I exchanged fabric with 9 other members of a Facebook group I belong to, and we are using each others pieces in our 100 Day Projects. For this phase I used this piece I received from Anne Marie Desaulniers.  This piece is a work of art in itself, and I was keen not to do too much to it and obscure Anne Marie’s work.
I attached some extra firm interfacing to the back of it and divided it into 2×2 inch squares.I then cut it into this shapewhich looked like I handstitched it together and it turned  into this..and I also had these bits..which I stitched together on my sewing machine..
and I handstitched it into this..I really like these cubes, every face is interesting and they are quite tactile. I hope I have done Anne Marie’s piece justice.

Anne Marie certainly did some interesting things with this piece I sent her, which is a mixture of paper and fabric .
she used it on these luggage tags…and also on these squares.. I think they are great, it was such a pleasure seeing them each day when she posted them. Anne Marie is a very talented and prolific artist who uses mixed media, beads, fabric, paint, photography and recycled materials in her work. You can check her out on Instagram and she also has a blog

For the next and final phase of my 100 Day Project I shall be using this piece I received from Helen Billings Hodgson
Lots of creative potential there, I’m looking forward to getting stuck in to it. Don’t know how long it will take me, but you’ll be the first to know when it’s done.

Chapter 8 is here

12 thoughts on “100 days of : chapter 7

  1. Brilliant, Fran! What a fabulous representation of my little collage!!

    1. I’m so glad you like what I did, it was fun!

  2. What an exciting project. Truly thinking outside the box as Anne Marie said. What happens to all the little boxes when you have finished? Do you store little treasures in them?

    1. they boxes don’t open, but that’s an idea for next time 🙂

      1. I’ve only made some as boxes, and now you’ve got me thinking about pin cushions, and also using them as a collection of 3-D structures. Bulding blocks for adults!!

        1. sounds exciting, keep us posted!

  3. Amazing! The pleasure you get out of doing your 100 days really shines through. You all must enjoy one anothers company, even though you are not sitting together in the same room around the same table. You have this wonderful link. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    1. Thanks Kathleen, it really does keep the momentum up, knowing that someone else is waiting to see what I do with their piece, and vice-versa.

    2. We’re not even in the same country! I’m in Canada!!

  4. So interesting to see these posts. When I have finished my course I will have a go at small collages

  5. Love the outcome of Anne Marie collage all dose little boxes, different picture on each side. I can imagine how you felt about cutting up the piece but great idea ,love it

  6. A beautiful group of photos. Love the beautiful pieces you have created. Years ago my mother did somewhat the same little boxes and I am happy to see the use of such unique fabric pieces.

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