Today is day 100 of my 100 Day Project, I have done 100 portraits of people who sent me photos, I have posted every day for 100 days, I have not missed one day, yay for me! However my smugness is somewhat diminished by the fact that I spent a couple of hours on Friday night writing a blogpost about the experience, which only needed a photo or two added to it today and it would be ready to publish, but some utter eejit* failed to save it, so I’m having to write it all over again.
*that’ll be me 🙁
You can see all of the photos I was sent and my drawings of them here.
Whilst I was doing this project I came across other people who were doing similar things, so I asked a few of them if they would send me a photo of themselves for me to draw.
This is my drawing of Bibbet.
I discovered Bibbet doing a search on Instagram for #blindcontourportraits and found out that she was doing 100 portraits of herself. This made my task seem quite easy in comparison. I was very impressed at the variety she achieved every day, from the same subject. I really enjoyed following her posts and reading her sometimes humorous descriptions, well worth a read 🙂
You can see them all on her Instagram page here
I’ve only just found out that “bcd_of_bib” means “blind contour drawings of bibbet” – d’oh!
I’ve chosen a few to share..
Next up was Aunia, I found her when Facebook suggested I might like her page, for once the algorithm got it right!
Here is my drawing of Aunia..
Aunia is doing a portrait project that she explains like this…
As a professional artist since 2005, I could not touch “real/tactile” mediums due to being severely allergic to the point of hospitalization. Recently receiving a diagnosis and treatment has given me the ability to use colored pencils/watercolor without incident! The portrait Project was created because It feels like I am starting over – and I want other “real humans” to be a part of that story and healing.
All completed paintings will be mailed to participants selected as a donation. Participants can pay what feels right for their portrait when completed – or nothing at all. I am aware that numerous people are struggling and I don’t want money to stand in the way of bringing someone joy. Those that enjoy/support the project can also donate. Your donations keep the portrait project growing. 100% of funds received go towards materials, shipping, time, and connecting to communities while helping bring participant’s personal stories to life and deliver the finished portrait to their families.
Subjects are chosen by random and by what feels right. Please don’t donate for bribery or send me messages begging me. This is a soulful project that is done with heart and with a random selection process. The intent of the project was to bring to life people like you and me who may never have imagined themselves brought to life in a portrait or felt they deserved to be. However, we all deserve to be seen, noticed, acknowledged, and shown for our own individual struggles and triumphs. It has been my hope that this project can convey this message, one person, at a time.”
You can read more about it here
She has an Instagram page
and Facebook
I’ve chosen a few of Aunia’s portraits to share..
The 3rd artist I invited to send me a photo was Lucy , here is my drawing of her..
I’m not 100% sure, but I think I came across Lucy in the Grayson Perry Art Club Facebook group, where she shared some of her recent portraits. I found her own Facebook page and was wowed by her portraits you can see here
and on her Instagram
Here are but a few of her many wonderful works..
So , what have I gained from this years 100 Day Project?
Well, satisfaction at finishing it on time, although that is mostly due to lockdown, because I haven’t been away from home for more than a day , which is a bit sad. I have a new interest in drawing, especially faces, which I have never thought was something I could do. I’ve had some cyber contact with 98 humans (plus 1 dog) that I wouldn’t have otherwise had. It’s given me something to post on social media each day at a time when I haven’t had much new work to share.
It’s got me out of bed earlier than usual so I can take photos of my drawings before the sun hits the front of the house. The ones with the blue tinge are from days that I slept in.
Most importantly , it has been a lot of fun!
All in all a very positive 100 days for me, and I hope my followers enjoyed it too , I’ve has some really nice comments about it.
Oh, a nice wee addendum, I did a drawing from a photo that Marge sent me…
and she has done a digitized embroidery of it, on her sewing machine..
Isn’t it great!
I asked her if she could do one of me and she she said she could, thank you Marge, I love it!
So that’s it for another year, you can read about my previous 100 day projects here
Oh, and a huge thank you to everyone who sent me a photo, I couldn’t have done it without your fizzogs!
The first drawing I did was of myself, from a selfie taken through a bogroll tube, I think it’s my best angle…
The last drawing I did was also of myself, from a new selfie of the type that frighten me when I have the camera facing the wrong way…
Inspired by Marge’s digital embroidery of me I did a cross stitch version of my 2nd drawing of myself, on a photo app NOT in real life, I hasten to add!

I also held an exhibition….
and got some stamps made …