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a nice cube : part 1

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Back in September 2019 I took delivery of this ..

It is very firm interfacing which is often used to make curtain pelmets, and I sang….
“Pelmet Vilene, oh I swear
At this moment, you mean everything
Too ra loo ra too ra loo rye aye
And you’ll hum this tune forever… “

I cut 12 of these out..

and I decorated them using some hand dyed rainbow coloured silk I bought hoping to use on my handmade scarves, but it was much too fine and the rough skin on my hands kept snagging it! I also used some scraps from my undiminishing scrap mountain.

They were split into 2 sets and each set was posted to 12 people who all contributed to them. They then came back to me and I stitched them into cubes using this nifty set up..

I then allocated a cube to each participant in a random stylee, and they went off in the post today. This was a fun collaboration, I really enjoyed seeing what each person added, and I loved seeing the flat templates turn into 3D cubes. You can see the step by step progress of each one by using the arrows to move between the photos.

cube A1

cube A2

cube A3

cube A4

cube A5

cube A6

Set B / part 2 to follow 🙂
It is here

EDITED TO ADD : you can see more of my collaborative projects here..

15 thoughts on “a nice cube : part 1

  1. These are fabulous

    1. Thank you Jane, they were fun to do.

  2. These are love and I’m thinking you could use them to put a little present in for someone special

    1. Thanks Irene, these ones are sewn shut, but that is a nice idea 🙂

    2. È proprio una bellissima idea! 😃🥰

  3. Each of these are so beautiful! Each side of each piece is a work of art in itself.

    1. Thanks Shasta, I really enjoyed seeing them progress 🙂

  4. Love the cubes the textures depth of colours and stitching are beautiful

    1. Thank you Helen, they were fun to contribute to 🙂

  5. What an innovative idea! Doing something like this is like a challenge but also an oportunity for creatives to foray outside of their own ‘norms’ … great fun and unique end product!

    1. Thank you Lyn, yes it was a fun project for sure 🙂

  6. I’m enjoying looking at the progress of each cube.

    1. Thanks for taking the time Carol 🙂

  7. Sono bellissimi, così pieni di dettagli deliziosi, brave!
    L’idea del pezzo di legno per cucirli, è semplicemente geniale!
    Bel lavoro! 🥰

    1. translation “They are beautiful, so full of delightful details, good!
      The idea of ​​the piece of wood to sew them is simply brilliant!
      Good job!”
      Thank you Anna, it was a very enjoyable project 🙂

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