You can read the first part of this jacket’s tale here but in a nutshell I transformed these charity shop linens and a jacket off ebay..
into this…..
You can click on any photo to enlarge it…
I really enjoyed working on this one, I’m a bit jealous of the person who ends up wearing it. I think I’ll look out for another more ample jacket that I can do something similar to, with the bits of dyed linen and lace that I have left.
I doubt I’ll find one that is such a nice shape though.
The jacket is for sale , it costs £100.00 plus postage, that’s a bit more than I usually sell my customised jackets for, but in this case I spent more on the original jacket than I usually would do, because it was meant to be for myself and wasn’t going to be for sale.
It is a UK size 14, made of 97.4% cotton, 2.6% elastane so it has a wee bit of stretch
(but not enough stretch for me, harrumph!)
As a consolation, I included a top of mine, that does fit, in with the dyeing .
The dots that were white are now Tropical Blue and I love it 🙂

That’s a beautiful jacket! I can understand your disappointment in the fit!! It’s amazing the differences in the supposed same size. Had it been a bigger size (well it wouldn’t have been for sale!), I would be tempted, but I know it wouldn’t fit.
Thank you Gilleoin, I’m pleased with how it turned out, if I was still doing craft fairs this one would be on my mannequin up front , for sure 🙂
Stunning jacket. Look forward to seeing your tropical spots 😎
ah, I got the name wrong of the dye colour, they are actually Paradise Spots, tropical spots sounds like a heat rash 🙂