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book exchange part 3 : me to Lisbeth

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You can read “book exchange part 1 : me to Lisbeth” here
and “book exchange part 2 : Lisbeth to me” here

When Lisbeth returned my finished book to me she also included a 2nd book for me to embellish. Here it is unfolded

and here is each page as Lisbeth decorated it, use the arrows to move between the photos.

Here is what I did to each page, use the arrows to move between the photos.

On the left is the page as Lisbeth decorated it, and on the right is what I did to it.

Lisbeth has received the book and said
” Thank you for my wild book. Holly Molly
Your gone totally wild, in every way”
Which I take as a compliment 🙂
She made a video of it, which she is kindly allowing me to share.

I received Lisbeths 2nd book today, it is wonderful and I will share it with you soon in another blogpost.

10 thoughts on “book exchange part 3 : me to Lisbeth

  1. Amazingly creative work!! I love this book!!

    1. Thank you Virginia, it was fun to make 🙂

  2. Love it, at first I thought it was like some 60’s psychedelic art but then the 6th image down looks aboriginal. Really enjoying seeing these.
    Is the first piece you send each other a piece of painted, printed paper or thin card ?

    1. Thank you Deborah, the first piece we send each other is a piece of card that we have painted/printed/stencilled, if you read the first 2 blogposts I describe the type of card in one of them.

  3. So much effort very creative can’t stop to seeing again and again
    Love it

    1. Thank you so much Kamana , that is lovely to hear.

  4. Splendidly embellished 😊

  5. Beautiful art. I can see some of the stitching goes through the pages back to back, but some appears on one side only. Did you stitch and then put the pages together, or was the book completed first? It is a beautiful technique of paper, paint and stitch. Thank you for sharing. June (Australia)

    1. Thank you June, well observed! I stitched on the book while it was flat, but then I completed the book and added more stitching on some of the pages.

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