I saw this post by Janine Partington, who I follow on Instagram, about her project called
Material Appropriation
and thought, mmmm that sounds interesting, so I messaged her and arranged to send her some of my stuff, don’t know what yet, probably buttons, but maybe embroidery ?… Read the rest
Category: handmade buttons
ideas for using buttons….

I recently made a new page for my website with some ideas on how to use buttons.
When it was ready I asked my web designer (Steve) how to publish it and he said ” you publish it the same way you publish a blogpost ” and I thought hmmmm, ready made blogpost, so click here to see it, say I sent you …..… Read the rest
beauty is in the dye of the beholder…
You can read the first part of this jacket’s tale here but in a nutshell I transformed these charity shop linens and a jacket off ebay..
into this…..
You can click on any photo to enlarge it…
I really enjoyed working on this one, I’m a bit jealous of the person who ends up wearing it.… Read the rest
hanging on my coat tales ?
On 11/3/21 I wrote on Facebook…..
… Read the rest“the only “non-essential” shops I missed when they were closed (except for the lovely shops that sell my buttons and brooches, that is!) was the charity shops, which are now open woohoo! check out this beauty, size UK 22 , unlined, ripe for customisation. I have an inkling that this might be someone’s dream jacket, like the one in this blogpost…
a tale of 3 jackets…

Unexpectedly, on Sunday, during an unseasonable heatwave, against all odds , I tidied the workbench where I do my sewing, for the first time in probably a year. It’s been piled high with stuff that I had been using to make brooches, scarves and bunting and dangling decorations. Rather than tidy up between jobs I shoved the craftermath further back on the table, creating just enough room to work on my next project.… Read the rest
dear diary: part 10 – spherey good indeed
[Not all features of this blogpost will work when viewed as an email, to view it on my website click on the title above]
One of the blogs I follow is Ann Woods Handmade , and I really enjoyed this post last January full of ideas for using up fabric scraps
I was interested to see that she posted a follow up this week.… Read the rest
we’ve been framed …….
Seems like the only time I blog nowadays is when I’ve got a collaboration to show off, and I’m happy to say that I’ve got another one.
You can see the previous ones here  here  and here .
This time myself and 7 members of a Facebook textile art group took turns contributing to these squares
First up was Angela Boyce
then they went to Carol Macdonald
next up was Annie Mac
henceforth to Ruth Zanoni Roskell
they then wended their way to Jane Spencer
next up was Kate Stuart (photos to follow)
and then on to Kirsty Mason
last to go was me
I then girded my loins and chopped all of the squares into 32mm x 32mm pieces…..… Read the rest
catching up with myself….
A recent lightbulb moment lead me to realise, a decade later than everyone else, that I can upload photos from my smart(er than me) phone to my blog at the same time as I do it to Facebook and Instagram. This means, in theory that I might, maybe, hypothetically, be more likely to blog more often if the photos are already in place, all I need to do is add a running commentary on a day to day basis, perhaps.… Read the rest
COLLABORAMA – a collaborative textile art project
A chance conversation in a Facebook textile art group I belong to led to a collaborative project that started in Febuary and has come to fruition today.
Myself and 9 other members of the group took part.
I prepared an A4 piece of fabric, added some bits of fabric (to alleviate the oppression of the blank page) and drew 10 circles on it.… Read the rest
Rhymes with “Safe Assett”….
I have long been a fan of the fabric designed by Kaffe Fassett and his partners Philip Jacobs and Brandon Mabley, collectively known as “The KFC Collective”.
The bright, bold, joyous designs are instantly recognisable and very appealing . However I had never actually bought, sewn with, or even been in the same room as an actual piece of the fabric.… Read the rest