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a nice cube : part 2

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Here are set B cubes, you can see set A here
You can see the step by step progress of each one by using the arrows to move between the photos

cube B1

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a nice cube : part 1

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Back in September 2019 I took delivery of this ..

It is very firm interfacing which is often used to make curtain pelmets, and I sang….
“Pelmet Vilene, oh I swear
At this moment, you mean everything
Too ra loo ra too ra loo rye aye
And you’ll hum this tune forever… “

I cut 12 of these out..… Read the rest

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spheres of interest : part 2

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These are set B spheres, you can find set A here

sphere B1 – use arrows to see all of the photos

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sphere of interest : part 1

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In September last year I started a new collaborative project with 11 other members of a textile art group on Facebook. Most of them have taken part in previous collaborative projects but there were a couple of new people as well.… Read the rest

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delicious pebblicious…

Now the nights are drawing in and the leaves are beginning to turn my mind turns once more to collaboration.
It’s been more than 2 months since the last one finished, and I am only now getting round to blogging it. Summer got in the way, I guess.
Myself and 9 other members of a textile group on Facebook took turns to contribute to some felt covered pebble* shapes that were kindly made by a member of the group.… Read the rest

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whoop de doop…

I’ve been taking part in another collaborative project with 9 other members of a Facebook textile group, this time we took it in turns to contribute to 10 5 inch embroidery hoops. Some of the previous projects fitted into a large letter sized envelope and this kept the postage costs to a minimum. However the hoops needed to go in a small parcel, so I suggested that to make the most of that we should make  them 3 dimensional.… Read the rest

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change of heart…

I’ve been taking part in another collaborative project with 10 fellow members of a Facebook textile art group, and it  finished today.
Back in October I made an A4 sized piece of fabric and marked 11 heart shapes on it.

In a previous project we  made round brooches that you can see here
For the hearts we reversed the order they were sent in, so the person who contributed 1st to the round brooches was last to contribute to the hearts.… Read the rest

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girls, girls, girls…

We are lucky to have the very talented Ruth Zanoni Roskell as a member of one of the collaborative textile groups I belong to. I have long admired Ruth’s work which you can see here
I really admire her dexterity on a sewing machine. With a seamingly simple line of  thread  she can create characters with  such individual personalities.… Read the rest

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we’ve been framed …….

Seems like the only time I blog nowadays is when I’ve got a collaboration to show off, and I’m happy to say that I’ve got another one.
You can see the previous ones here   here   and here .
This time myself and 7 members of a Facebook textile art group took turns contributing to these squares

First up was Angela Boyce

then they went to Carol Macdonald

next up was Annie Mac

henceforth to Ruth Zanoni Roskell

they then wended their way to Jane Spencer

next up was Kate Stuart (photos to follow)
and then on to Kirsty Mason

last to go was me

I then girded my loins and chopped all of the squares into 32mm x 32mm pieces…..… Read the rest

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you wait all year…

… for a collaborative textile project, and would you believe 3 come along at once!
I have blogged about  the 2 previous  projects here and here . I thoroughly enjoyed them, and was delighted to fnd another group of people who were keen to have a go as well. We worked on round brooches, each of us adding some textile art and then sending it on to the next person.… Read the rest