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dear diary, part 15 : in secure

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Been a while, not much to report, not been out much.
I took part in an interesting swap, I received an envelope of art supplies and I had to make something from them and send it back to the person who sent them to me. Here’s what I received..

Here’s what I sent back : I made a collage with some of the pieces , painted and stencilled it , then cut the hearts out and glued them together. I stitched the hearts into a vertical strip on my sewing machine and left a thread to hang them by. The recipient said ” Your beautiful envelope arrived Tuesday. I love the heart Garland. I hung it off of a shelf. It slowly spins with air movement. “.

I sent this Artist’s Trading Card a while ago, but it got returned to me from America saying it was undelivereable as addressed. I tried again, and this time it was succesful. I made it by painting on some tissue paper from an old sewing pattern and then stencilling it.

Before the Lockdown kicked in a new craft club started in my village. I was looking for ideas to take to it when I saw someone in a Faceebook group selling some plastic weaving looms. On a whim I bought them, having never done any weaving ever, but I thought I could learn online. Cut to a few days ago, in the middle of the unseasonable hot weather we have been enjoying in Scotland. I was looking for an excuse to sit outside in the sun and I grabbed a loom, some thread and yarn and out I went. If I had taken the time to watch a You Tube video first I might have done a bit better, I imagine. First off all I think I threaded it wrong, I haven’t actually found out the correct way yet, but I suspect that I should have hooked the thread over the pointed bits rather than wrapping it round the back like I did. Anyway I enjoyed my first hour of weaving, and I’ll get back to it once I’ve done a bit of swotting.

I had another go with the weaving, this time I just wound the warp over the pointy bits, rather than wrap it round both sides. It was going swimmingly until I took I unhooked it all went wobbly.

I joined a Facebook group for weaving and found out that the equipment I have are called “card looms” and that they can be used to weave a pouch.
I shall be attempting one soon. I’m thinking I can hide the loose ends inside, so that’s a bonus.

I took part in another collaborative postcard, I received it like this

I added these bits..

and the final person did this..

A wee while ago I took part in a couple of swaps which involved using the insides of security envelopes which have patterns designed to stop nosey people reading the private contents. I included them in this postcard..

and this one …

And here’s one I received..

I hadn’t been aware of the inside of security envelopes until then, but I am now, and have started to save them. Someone in a Facebook group shared a photo of a collage she had made with them, I showed her mine, and she asked if I wanted her to send me some of her extensive collection. They arrived yesterday along with this card she had made..

These are the bits she sent me… much more exciting than the ones I have ..

I will make something with them and send it back to her, watch this space.

I did a bit of googling and found some interesting links featuring security envelopes.
I was excited to find this artist, using the designs in textiles..
which lead me to more of the work of Elizabeth Duffy that made me wow out loud : she unravels braided rugs and makes them into what they may have been. Have a look here…
So I took part in a swap using a material I was unaware of , which lead me to research the material, which lead me to discovering a new textile artist.
Cool, eh?

6 thoughts on “dear diary, part 15 : in secure

  1. Loving your work 😊

  2. So cool that you blogged about it.

    1. Thanks for reading it, Amanda 🙂

  3. Great story, can’t wait for next episode.

    1. You should follow my blog so you don’t miss a thing 🙂

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