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This is my first blogpost since my website got updated and things look different, it looks much more plain, so I need to
add a photo here

and I need to make this paragraph quite long so that when you look at the main page for my blog the excert that it shows contains more than a single sentence. That’s what I’m doing now, making this a more substantial paragraph, maybe with another photo? How will that make it look?

I’ll just carry on writing and see what it looks like when I publish it. Here’s a round up of my postcard swapping activities, this is September’s doodlebombed portrait …

and here’s a sneaky extra one I did as a Sender’s Choice card…

The person I sent it to lives in Albuquerque, there’s a prize for the first person to comment below with the name of the song I was referring to on the card.
16/10/20 EDITED TO ADD: the correct answer was given, you can find it in the comments below 🙂
Here are the cards I received in return..

The artist said…..
“For this I’ve tried myself in blind contour drawing as a base. First I thought: that’s scary, better make a new try. But then I thought that it’s not the goal of blind contour drawing to make something pleasing for the eye”
And this one…..

I can’t remember if I showed you the “Stamp Art” card I sent ..

or the one I received. By the time it arrived it had lost it’s stamp, which had a bird on it. The sender offered to send another one, but I said she didn’t have to, it’s all part of the story that the stamp was lost, in my opinion …

What else have I been up to? I’ve mostly been making Dangling Decorations. I’ve made them before for gifts, but I’ve never tried selling them because they are so tricky to photograph. But I had a go on my phone and found out it’s pretty easy to make and post videos on Instagram and Facebook from it. My first attempt was a bit Blair Witch Project-y, but after a few goes I had managed to stop the shaky hand held spooky footage vibe. I’m now using a disco mirrorball spinner to turn the danglers whilst I concentrate on keeping the phone steady. I’ve made short videos of lots of danglers and listed them on my website, you can see them here
Today I was looking around for some more fabric to make into danglers and I happened upon this piece that I did when I was doing Stitch Meditation , you can read about it here

I had to gird my loins to cut it up, but cut it up I did and tomorrow I shall make videos of the resultant dangling creations.
Right so, here they are…
I’ll be listing them on my website soon.
Recently I took part in an Instagram based challenge called September Textile Love or #septtextilelove2020 in Instagram-speak . You can see all of my posts for it here
One of the prompts was “Disappointment” and I wrote this…
“When heavy hints were being given that we might be heading into a 2nd lockdown I decided I needed a project ready to work on if , like the first time, I lost my sewjo. Get it sorted in advance, so I didn’t have to think about it, just do it. Something I could handstitch if I couldn’t face my sewing machine.

I bought this hand embroidered tablecloth in a charity shop and I thought I could cut the embroidery out and use it to decorate a jacket. If I’m put a lot of effort into handstitching it I should make it for myself as it will end up being too expensive to sell, if I added the hours up.
So I had a look on ebay and found one that looked promising. It was describe as Size L, which I guessed would be a size 16 minimum, so it should fit me. It was a nice shape. I went for it.

Disappointingly, when it arrived it was marked on the label as a Size 14 and it’s too small for me.
So it’s not going to be my lockdown project, but that’s ok, because the 2nd lockdown didn’t happen, at least not yet.
I will still decorate the jacket with the embroidery, but I won’t keep it, I’ll sell it.
If I had been going to keep it I would have dyed the jacket and tablecloth before starting, as I am far too clarty to wear white. But now I’m not keeping it, I might just leave it white. What do you think?”
Today I started cutting out the embroidery from the tablecloth and pinning it to the jacket..

I then noticed a stain on the arm that I don’t think was there when it arrived, or after I washed it. Must have been me, as I said, I am a clart.

So this has made me decide that I am going to dye it, and I should do that before I start stitching because the thread I use will not take on the dye, so if I dye it first I will know what colour of thread to use on it.
I’ve got at least 3 Dylon Dye pods somewhere, I know I have because they were sitting on the sideboard in the kitchen for months, waiting to be tidied away. Now they are not there, when I need them. And that is why tidying up is a bad idea, my friend.
*thrusts hand in air*… me, me, I know, I know! But I’ll let someone else get it 😆
very noble of you 🙂
I’ve not heard “clart” before but shall use it as I have never taken on a project (or meal) that did not leave its mark on what I’m wearing. That meditative stitching project was one of my favorites. I’ve been hoarding barkcloth scraps, intending to try my hand.
And love the idea of just cutting out the embroidery. I use a lot of vintage linens in my work but have, so far, used the textile as part of the new garment. That’s a great way to use my little bits and pieces and the things that have ill-placed stains. As always, you inspire!
Thanks Deana, it takes a clart to recognise a clart!
Return to Sender, Elvis Presley. Could you define clarty, please?
Sorry Patricia, wrong song !
Clarty is a Scottish word for being messy, mucky, sticky. Which I have a tendency to be 🙂
Oh that vintage fabric made my heart skip a beat. ♥️ And the embroidery just emphasizes its je ne sais quoi.
It’s great isn’t it – a charity shop find 🙂
That’s going to look fab, Fran
I hope so…turquoise methinks!
I’m still struggling with ” Grace , who is Grace ? ”
Ha this is easier : Hot dogs, jumping frogs Albequerque .
close but no coconut Sheena, that’s not the actual name of the song!
Oh Fran , I’m a slapdash Susie. ( that’s why I can’t sew and you can ).
The title is : The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
Could you please ‘ put me out of my misery ‘ and give me answer to your “. who is Grace . ? “. My guess would have been the clothes dummy. – right. ?
That’s the one Sheena, well done! email me on fran@mcanarask.com with your address and I’ll get something in the post to you.
Who is Grace was on a previous blogpost, aye? I can’t find it now to check, but I’m pretty sure Grace was a dog, the answer could be found by following the links in the blogpost 🙂
oops, typo in my email address. I also am a slapdash Susie. Sorry!
It should be