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girls, girls, girls…

We are lucky to have the very talented Ruth Zanoni Roskell as a member of one of the collaborative textile groups I belong to. I have long admired Ruth’s work which you can see here
I really admire her dexterity on a sewing machine. With a seamingly simple line of  thread  she can create characters with  such individual personalities. She is  a Sewing Machine Wizard of the Highest Order. She generously made 10 figures  for the COLLABORAMA group to work on. They were split into 2 sets of 5, and each set was sent to the 10 participants at different times. This meant that we all got to work on them at different stages, for example the person who was the 1st to work on set A was the last to work on set B.
It was such good fun seeing how “The Girls” progressed, some of them who looked quite angelic at the beginning were looking rather more worldly by the end!

set A Originals
set A Originals


Angela Boyce
Angela Boyce
Annie Mac
Annie Mac
Carol Macdonald
Dee Priest
Fran Harkes
Ruth Zanoni Roskell
Lynn Snowden
Kirsty Mason


Jane Spencer
set a : completed


set b original
set b original
Jane Spencer
Jane Spencer
Kirsty Mason
Kirsty Mason
Lynn Snowden
Lynn Snowden
Ruth Zanoni Roskell
Fran Harkes
Dee Priest
Carol Macdonald
Annie Mac


Angela Boyce
set b : completed
group photo

Once they were all dressed to the nines they headed to an exotic location for a photo shoot.

This is the girl who came to live with me, I love her…
You can read about  previous collaborations here 

EDITED TO ADD : you can see more of my collaborative projects here..

12 thoughts on “girls, girls, girls…

  1. Wonderful girls by Ruth, and a delight to work on. The results are brill and look great on the Blog. Fran is obviously more at home with ‘Techno’ than me!
    Well done everyone !!

  2. I loved taking part in this collaboration! Being first and last was interesting.. Being last when the girls looked magnificent already was a challenge but somehow easier than being first. With hindsight I wish I had been braver when I was first!

    I love the outcome and how every lady has so much character!

  3. What a great challenge! They look lovely!

  4. It was wonderful to take part in such a amazing collaboration and to see how everyone interpretated the lasses and thank you Fran for asking me to take part

  5. Wow… What a cool collaboration… The girls look amazing!

  6. The blog is great, telling the story of our girls. They became magically real people and as we went along and gave us many laughs with their ‘antics’. Like Jane, , I was first and last and found both challenging. It’s how much to do when first and thinking of not making it difficult for the remaining people to carry on. Last was fun this time although many just looked finished I found a little titivating was possible as they are so outrageous anyway. The hardest challenge so far but I loved the challenge. Thank you Ruth and Fran and everyone who helped make my girl. I will treasure her.

  7. A-maz-ing! I really enjoyed seeing the additions each person made and the final group photo and location shot look fab. Really interesting collaboration, thanks for sharing the story of these wonderful girls

  8. Oh I LOVED reading this! What a wonderful project with beautiful results.

  9. WOW! Love your work and loved reading about your process!

  10. What fun. Long ago I participated in “blank” fabric doll exchanges like this- but this is so much better. If you want to try again I would love to ba a part of it.

  11. Popping by from Instagram and your 2021 post.
    All the pieces are lovely and I’ve been a fan of Ruth’s for years and own lots of her pieces including brooches I wear all the time

    1. She’s a sewing machine wizard of the highest order, is Ruth!

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