On 11/3/21 I wrote on Facebook…..
“the only “non-essential” shops I missed when they were closed (except for the lovely shops that sell my buttons and brooches, that is!) was the charity shops, which are now open woohoo! check out this beauty, size UK 22 , unlined, ripe for customisation. I have an inkling that this might be someone’s dream jacket, like the one in this blogpost…https://www.mcanaraks.com/textile-trail/ “
This might have been a mistake, giving the jacket the big up, before I had started it, because now I have performance anxiety! I’m going to work on another one first, just to get my hand in.
I got this jacket in a charity shop, it’s nice, but it lacked a pocket and a fastening.

I added this fastening, using 2 of my own handmade buttons…..

….and I added a pocket….

..and a bit of decor on the back,
and it’s done 🙂
Next up is another garment lacking the basics of a means to hold the front together, and a pocket.

I auditioned a few …

and decided to go with the middle one, I made a loop from a scrap of fabric from this curtain that I bought at a carboot sale in Edinburgh, sometime last century.

I also added a pocket and a bit of decor on the front, but when I saw this photo I realised the pocket was squint and I didn’t like the decor, so I took them both off again.
I will put a pocket back on, but not neccesarily the same one.
What do you think?

I edged the pocket with spotty bias binding and sewed it back on, with an extra strip across the top.
Still not happy with it, so I’m going to hang it on a rail out of my sight for now.
This type of thing happens to me when I have lost my sewjo, everything I attempt turns out disappointing.
Ach weel, you canna win them all!
Luckily I have other things I can be getting on with, like making buttons.
Hi I think the pocket would look better if did not have a rounded bottom Also an angled top and an a button for trim. I’m a bit anal about odd numbers rather than pairs. Cheers Jan. PS Love your buttons and your eclectic mix of fabrics.
Thanks Jan, you might be right, I will give it a go when I’m no longer scunnert with it!
That last jacket has a very interesting patterning on it to start with – so it might be hard to add the decorative but useful elements to it. Well done though for picking up some garments that will end up giving you pleasure.
Thanks Catherine, the garments will all be for sale, when I’m happy with them!
I know what you mean. I’ve just designed a new colour combination for yarn, spun 1 hank and it hasn’t worked out quite how I planned. Now got it hanging up in view while I decide whether to spin the rest or make a different combination!
Thanks Gilleoin, yes I often use the hung-up-in-full-view technique whilst I decide upon things 🙂
Good luck with your spinning combos !
Mi consola sapere che perfino a te capita di “bloccarti” durante un lavoro, di essere insoddisfatto del risultato e di non sapere come andare avanti… Se succede, anch’io lo metto da parte e lo riprendo, anche dopo mesi, quando ho di nuovo l’ispirazione. Ha funzionato molte volte. Sei bravissima, una vera artista 😃🤩🥰
translation : ”
I am consoled to know that even you happen to “block” yourself during a job, to be dissatisfied with the result and not knowing how to go on … If it happens, I too put it aside and take it back, even after months, when I have inspiration again. It worked many times. You are very good, a true artist”
Thank you Anna, yes I agree, some days nothing goes right, and other days everything goes right 🙂
Wonderful jackets… and that Edinburgh car boot fabric 😍
Aye, they are crackers, the car boot curtains that is, not so sure about the 2nd jacket!