I’m taking part in #fabricrecipes2022 , an Instagram based challenge devised by @jayneemersontextiles where she provides a daily textile related prompt. You can see my responses so far on my Instagram
and here

Todays prompt is #improvise and that made me think of the time I cut up those duff brooches, and didn’t I include them in a blogpost? Well, yes I did, but I never published it, so here it is now.
I haven’t been posting much on social media recently, so I’ve got out of the habit, and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t avail myself of the photo oppurtunity to take a photo of the brooches that I sent off yesterday for a wholesale order . However I am now dealing with the craftermath of making those brooches and I have sorted out some reject/experimental ones that are never going to make the grade.

What can I do with these, I thought? So I cut a couple up…….
and then a couple more, and had a play with them…

Then I added a bit of stitching.

Hmmmm, that has potential. Don’t know what as , yet, but maybe something.
Last night I had a strong urge to do some handstitching, just for the sake of it, something I haven’t done for ages. My hand hurts if I do too much of the same thing, so I’ve been resting it at night so I can do the stuff I need to do during the day. But I do miss the gratuitous handstitching, I was quite addicted to it for a while, you can read about it here and here .
I belong to a group on Facebook called “Stitch Meditation”
and I used to post in it almost daily with my latest piece.
It’s been over a year since I did that, but I still belong to the group and enjoy seeing other peoples work.
I have been admiring the pieces made by Herma de Ruiter , she calls the project “going round in circles” and she has made a video about them, you can watch it here.
You can see all of her pieces on her Instagram, I think they look great together.
I had a go with a couple of my own handmade buttons, not as neat as Herma’s , but it was fun 🙂
Reading this made me realise that I am currently doing a Stitch Meditation , I’m stitching this woollen laundry ball with my “orts” , that is, left over bits of thread that I can’t throw away.

Over and ort, for now .