Back in May I joined Swapbot I can’t quite remember how I found out about it, but it was probably seeing it used as a hashtag on Instagram on posts by people sharing photos of their handmade postcards. I was attracted by the idea of swapping handmade postcards with people from all over the world, which would give me another excuse to muck about with paper and paint. As a new member I had to complete 5 swaps and be rated postively by the recipients before I could take part in any more swaps. Being a keen bean I achieved this in a couple of weeks and then I was free to join in as many swaps as I wanted. Since then I have made and sent these…

Tell you what, sending all of these cards in the post has given me a newfound appreciation of postage stamps. Little did I know that I would become a stamp collector at the age of 54 ! I’ve been buying “special issue” stamps from the post office as they are released, and I was well chuffed when the post office person gave me a little calendar with the release dates on it. I then discovered that I could buy old, but unused stamps that were still usable for posting. Full blown stamp geekery commenceth!
I am also taking part in another thing called Postcrossing here are some of the stamps I’ve used for it..
Postcrossing mainly calls for shop bought postcards, of which I have admit I have started a collection of. Occasionaly a handmade card is acceptable, and here’s a couple of mine.
Of course, having sent all of these cards I have also been receiving some interesting mail. More of which in a future post.
You can see all of my handmade postcards here
that looks and sounds magic…great way to either use up scraps or make scraps into other creative collage AND then mail them. I wonder where the missing swaps ended up…
I wonder too, the envelope had a return address on it, so maybe one day it will come back, and it will add a little to the story 🙂
This intriguing “exhibition” of your postcards is an inspiration. Thank you so much. I am not surprised some were “lost”. I would be hard pressed NOT to keep one if I found it.
Thank you, strangely the one that went missing was in a plain envelope, so was hidden from sight! However that means it had a return address on it (unlike the naked postcards) so it might return to base at some point .