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Scrappy New Year !

I have completed a year of the “Made On Monday” project, which involved making a 5 inch piece of artwork every week. I chose to make mine from the scraps left over from my other textile work. The sharp eyed amongst you will spot that there are more than 52 in the photo, but what’s a couple of extras amongst friends?
If you want a better view of them individually you can see them on my Facebook page
or on Kate Bridgers website

The great thing about the project was that it lead me on to making other things out of my scraps.
I made “scrappy scarves” by enclosing scraps between layers of transparent fabric.scarf2016_22


I used my scraps to customised woollen hats.

I made brooches from sheets made up of my scraps.

I’ve used my scrap creations on jackets that I’ve customised.




I have made “scrappy hearts” made from – you’ve guessed it – scraps!

I even made myself a new pin cushion from my scraps.
It’s become such a big part of my creative proccess that I’m sure it will carry on into the future.
Some of the 5 inch squares have their own tales to tell, so I will do some more blog posts on them soon.

I want to thank India Tresselt of Yarndance for alerting me to the project , and of course Kate Bridger for organising the whole shebang. You can read more about it here
and if you’re tempted to join in you can find out how to do it here
It’s an ongoing project, you can join in at any time.

Edited to add on 20/10/18 :
I made a curtain for my caravan with some of the 5 inch squares

8 thoughts on “Scrappy New Year !

  1. Absolutely wonderful. Lots more please. An inspiration.

  2. Love it. Happy New Creative Year.

  3. Wonderful and so clever!
    Can’t wait to see your creations in the new year!!

  4. I love them! And your buttons too!

  5. Congratulations Fran!

  6. There is so much to look at in your 52 weeks! I looked for a long time. I just love the hats, what FUN!!

  7. Just come across this. I was looking for something new to do in the Crafting field – and your work has inspired me to have a go- and use up some of the many scraps I have in bags in my craft room. Thank you for some great ideas !

    1. I’m happy to hear you’ve been inspired Val, I just wish I could make a dent in my scrap pile!

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