Another month over, another month of (pretty much) daily Stitch Meditations under my belt.
I stitched for 24 days for at least 15 minutes every day on this piece of barkcloth curtain fabric.
I worked on a 7x7cm square each day, here they are in no particular order.
This is the finished piece.
When it was done I had to decide what to stitch on next. The majority of members in the Facebook group for this project work on a small individual piece each day, you can see some of them in my previous post here
I have stuck to working on large pieces so far, and this is the 3rd one I have completed. I thought I would try doing individual ones next, but when it came to choosing the fabric to stitch on I became paralysed by indecision. I could not choose the fabric for a single days stitching, never mind choosing a new piece everday in the future. I decided to give it a miss for that day, and sleep on it.
Lo and behold I awoke at 5am with a boing!
Recently in a Facebook fabric group I am a member of, someone was offering to print customers photos on fabric. I sent a photo of one of my completed large Stitch Meditation pieces , just to see what the quality was like. When it arrived I realised that it had been a daft photo to choose because the original piece is very textured, and the printed version cannot reproduce that.
This is the original piece..
and this is the printed version…
My boing moment was realising I could stitch on the printed version of my stitching.
When I got up I googled “meta” and this is the definition : “(of a creative work) referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential.”
So this is going to be a self referential stitch meditation.
Here are the first 4 days of stitching…
Maybe when I’ve finished stitching it I will get it printed and then stitch on that version? Watch this space
Here are some of the other members of the groups February offerings…

You can read about previous Stitch Meditations here
What an extraordinary idea to stitch on top of your printed stitch work! Can’t wait to see more!
Your work is so inspiring and exciting. Thankyou for sharing so freely.
Just 15 minutes a day…wonderful creations!
Perfect use for the fabric photo. Looks lush x
What a fabulous idea!
Great february redult and what a great Idea with meta-stitching!
I love your stitches inspirational I’ve just got into textile embroidery and very much enjoy it Thank You for sharing