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In this post I’m going to do a round up of the various swaps I’ve recently been involved in. I’ve been having fun with Swapbot , you can read about it here. I took part in a swap on the theme of “Monochromatic Purple”

I sent this card on the theme “Whatever”

I sent this handmade notelette…

Here are some handmade postcards I received as swapbot swaps. They are in a slideshow, which is a new feature , well, new to me, turns out that it’s sometimes beneficial to press the “update to a new version ” button.
Click the arrows to move between the photos.
Edited to add: I’ve been informed by the IT Department (Steve) that the slideshow only works if you go to my blog to read this post, it won’t work if you are viewing it in the email.

I also received this fun card from Monique in Germany. You can see more of her work here

She said she loved collage and handmade postcards and would I like to swap some? I said I sure would, so we arranged a private swap between ourselves. We sent each other a prepared background and a few pieces to choose from.

These are the bits and background that Monique sent me..

and this is what I did with them..

We then decided to both print out the same image, include it on a card and send them to each other. This is the image we chose..

I finished my card tonight and will post it tomorrow, I’ll share photos when we have both received our cards.

So that was Swapbot, what else have I been a-swappin?
Well, I’ve been swapping handmade fabric postcards.
The swaps are arranged in two Facebook groups that I belong to
You can see previous ones here
Here’s some I made..

And here is a swanky slideshow of some I received,

Phew, that was a long blog post, my New Year’s Resolution will be to treat my blog more as a diary, and keep adding to it as things happen rather than doing infrequent mega posts. Maybe I could publish a monthly round up of my general doings, or two monthly. Ach, who am I kidding, let’s say quarterly!

5 thoughts on “swapsies..

  1. SUCH . . . a fabulous spread of “Swapies” you’ve posted, Fran! Love each and everyone one. So glad you’re so enthusiastic about fiber/textile/fabric art and devoted to sharing your love with others. Woop~Woop!!! ***smiles***

    1. I’ve addded a link to the group in the blogpost

  2. Love your work on Swap-Bot. I have enjoyed the handmade postcards recently on Swap-Bot.

    1. Thank you Mary, I do enjoy the handmade card swaps on swapbot, and getting fun snail mail brightens any day 🙂

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