I’ve been taking part in another collaborative project with 9 other members of a Facebook textile group, this time we took it in turns to contribute to 10 5 inch embroidery hoops. Some of the previous projects fitted into a large letter sized envelope and this kept the postage costs to a minimum. However the hoops needed to go in a small parcel, so I suggested that to make the most of that we should make them 3 dimensional. The hoops were divided into 2 groups of 5 and posted to contributors at different stages of completion. Each person had to contribute to a minimum of 3 of the 5 hoops in each set. It took about 6 months from start to finish.
Set 1 hoops went to Angela Boyce first, who contibuted to 3 of them.

Then they went to Kirst Mason, who also contributed to 3

Carol Macdonald added to all 5 of them.

They then went to Deborah Kenward who also added to all 5.

Henceforth to Dee Priest who added to them all.

It was my turn next and I added to 4 of them.

I sent them to Ruth Zanoni who did her stuff….

and she sent them to Kate Stuart who did her bit..

and then on to Annie Mac..

and finally to Jane Spencer who put the finishing touches to them.

Here they are individually, in all their glory..
I was the first to contribute to set 2 , here’s what I did to 4 of them…

I then sent them to Ruth Zanoni who added to all 5…

as did next up, Kate Stuart…

Kate then sent them to Annie Mac

next up was Jane Spencer..

who sent them to Angela Boyce..

and then on to Kirsty Mason…

next up was Carol Macdonald

Carol sent them to Deborah Kenward..

and last to have a go on set 2 was Dee Priest…

Here are set 2 , ready for their close ups..
The completed hoops were then randomly allocated and we each got one to keep. This was a really fun project, and I think the results are fantastic.
EDITED TO ADD : you can see more of my collaborative projects here..
How very fun and exciting. Makes me want to play.
So delighted to have been able to taken part in this collaboration.
Really enjoyed myself taking part in this collaboration
Again, amazing work! When I saw the first finished item from the embroidery projects, I was smitten – this is just as gorgeous. If you’re accepting new people to the circle of nine, I’d be thrilled to join you.
It’s brilliant seeing them all together and brings together lots of memories of this collaboration. It was such fun to do. Thank you Fran for organising it and all my fellow collaborators for their contributions. It will hang in my ‘still being decorated’ sewing nook very soon.
These are fab! So inventive and original! Great use of materials, I’m still trying to work out what some of the bits are
Amazing explosion of color, texture & unusual materials!!!
You know I’m just cray-cray about all your various collaborations, Fran Harkes!!! Love these, too. Now . . . hope, hope, HOPING our Postcard Fabric Art group gets some serious momentum behind some of the members to do something like THIS but PFA style’in. Keep up the fun . . . you put a *smile* on many faces. XO
amazing and awesome – finally worked out when looked at individual “hoops” what those plastic “strings” were off the side…and never seen them that colour before.
Great idea & wonderful finished projects!