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World Collage Day

Back in May I stumbled across a post on Instagram that said “Did you know May 11th is World Collage Day?” I have to admit I did not. My interest was piqued though, and it came at a time when I was keen to experiment with other art mediums (aka avoiding tidying my workshop). A collage artist in Germany called Bhupaligupte suggested that to celebrate it anyone could make and send some collage postcards by snail mail. By searching for the hashtagΒ #worldcollagedaypostcards2019Β I found some people who were taking part and I messaged them to see if they wanted to swap postcards with me. I’m a bit late to the hashtag party, but this was the first time I had ever found a use for them, and I now see they are quite handy.
I had a great time making my postcards to send, but I discovered that I am not keen on using wet glue, it is sticky and messy and not suitable for using on the same table I do my sewing preperation on. I resorted to using iron on interfacing, double sided sticky tape, glue dots and my trust sewing machine.
Here are the some of the cards I sent, and received in swaps.

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one fromΒ Rare Notions by Phiona RichardsΒ 

I sent the bottom one to, and received the top one fromΒ muebbelchen

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one from Artymess Textile Art

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one from Bhupali Gupte who organised the exchange on Instagram

I sent the bottom one to, and received the top one from Oliveleux

I sent the bottom one to, and received the top one from Leslie Rottner Art

I sent the bottom one to, and received the top one from

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one from mein_wintergartenatelier

I sent the bottom one to, and received the top one from azul_luz_

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one from janaclinardharris

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one from donnajoy88

I sent the top one to, and received the bottom one from Amy Smith ArtistHere are the backs of the cards I sent…I thoroughly enjoyed the swap and it introduced me to some interesting collage artists to follow on Instagram.Β  One of them was Teri FridelyΒ Β  and I saw a post by herΒ offering to sendΒ  a copy of one of her collaged pieces to anyone who wanted one.
I asked for one and it arrived along with some other interesting bits . I thought I better put that somewhere safe so it doesn’t get buried, and I did. Turns out it was such a safe place that I didn’t find it for four months. As soon as it turned up I had a play with it and came up with this..Β I have put the cool birdie back in a safe place until I get another chance to play with it again. You can see what other people did with it here
Another artist I came across was Maryanne HawesΒ who organises The Act of Kindness Postcard ProjectΒ . Sounds good, I thought, and promptly made 6 postcards to leave in places on my travels. I took them to a music festival with plans to leave them about the place, but got somewhat distracted and didn’t do it. Forgot all about them until today when I was looking for something else and found them in my caravan. I have no plans to go anywhere further than Inverness in the near future so I would like to distribute 5 of the cards further afield. I’m looking for 5 people in the UK who I can send cards to and then they will leave them somewhere for someone else to find. Not in Inverness though, I’ve got that covered. If you would like me to send you a card please comment “send me a card”Β  below, and confirm you are in the UK . It needs to be within the UK because they are already stamped, with UK stamps. There are 5 cards, so first 5 people (in UK) to comment will get them. Ha, this will let me know if people read to the end of my blogposts, or just look at the photos πŸ™‚
Another thing I came across via World Collage Day was SwapbotΒ and that’s what my next blogpost will be about.

16 thoughts on “World Collage Day

  1. Hi,,,,I just Bookmarked your message,,,I am very interested in being a part of this next year. Does this happen once year,,,and what month,,,or is it always in May?

    1. Hi Lynne, I think it happens every year, it is based on Instagram and if you follow the hashtags #worldcollageday #worldcollageday2020 and follow bhupaligupte you will see posts about it leading up to May 11th. People will use the hashtag #worldcollageday2020 and say they are interested in swapping postcards. You then direct message them to exchange addresses.
      Well that’s what happened this year, so I’m guessing it will be the same next year πŸ™‚

  2. Send me a card please.
    I live in the UK (Edinburgh).
    I am not a a robotπŸ€—!

    1. ok I will, please email me your postal address, thank you Iris
      1/5 cards spoken for

  3. I’m in the UK and can help if you want.

    1. thank you Jill
      please email me your postal address
      2/5 cards spoken for

  4. Send me a card, I live near Brighton on the South coast just about still in UK

    1. Thank you Lea
      please email me your postal address
      3/5 cards spoken for

  5. Very interesting stuff
    You see I’ve read to the end!
    I occasionally make postcards have a burst and then get sidetracked with other sewing projects. Aprons for all my family for Christmas at moment.
    Love your birds.

  6. Send me a card. I live in Aylesbury middle of UK.
    I like your blog especially reports on swapping projects which inspired my sister and I to get a group together and have a go.

    1. Thank you Sally, that is lovely to hear, I hope you enjoy your project as much as I enjoy mine. What kind of things do you do in your group?
      4/5 cards spoken for.

  7. I’d like to rehome a card for you. I live in Comber, about 8 miles south of Belfast. Love the bird cards

    1. Thank you Helen
      all 5 cards now spoken for πŸ™‚

    2. I’ve sent you an email asking for your postal address, or you email me with it please

  8. “… It was such a safe place that I didn’t find it for four months” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚it often happens to me too!! πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

    1. If only we could stick to just the one safe place, the system would work perfectly!

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